Outreach & Dissemination
Historical Built Environments, between Permanence and Change: Theoretical Approaches and Practicalities
Historical built environments are being subjected to unprecedented pressures of expedited change. It is generally recognised that intervention within historical environments should aim to interpret the past with sensitivity and yet remain anthropologically orientated, i.e., address the cultural needs and desires of its present (and future) inhabitants. However, in practice, the results have often been its apathetic mutilation or over-cautious conservation.
This one-day colloquium aimed to explore some of the pertinent theoretical, practical and policy related issues that are of relevance to historical environments subjected to globalising forces of economy, politics and technology. Through discussions on theoretical and policy related issues and case studies the colloquium developed a critical understanding of current approaches and practices in the field.
The colloquium was accompanied by exhibition “Documenting Heritage Managing Development” focusing on the traditional oasis settlemens of Barkat al-Mawz and Izki in Oman.