Outreach & Dissemination
Settled Topographies: From Gibraltar to the Ganges
Spanning the varied geographies of the 30th parallel the practices of human settlement have for millennia shaped the landscapes of this trans-continental region, while in turn the environment has both provided structure and guided the evolution of its cultures. Settlements, architecture and other forms of material culture extend beyond being expressions of a society; they shape the society and its culture through their spatiality and materiality. In the long history of human settlement in this region such as juxtapositions have created a terrain of differentiated densities, imbued with the traces and the latent structures and settings, that work in tandem with the more tangible physical and spatial orders.
This two-day symposium, organised by the ArCHIAM Centre at the Liverpool School of Architecture, invites speakers to contribute to the discourse on how culture and spatiality have comingled in the contemporary and historical settings. The aim is to develop these understandings through both geographically focused and cross-cultural perspectives.