Claudia Briguglio

Claudia Briguglio is a registered architect (Italy), a Research Assistant and part-time PhD student at Liverpool School of Architecture

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University webpage
Liverpool School of Architecture
25 Abercromby Square
Liverpool L69 7ZN

Research Assistant


Claudia graduated from Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria School of Architecture. Her design thesis examined landscape, urban and architectural regeneration on an industrial area that lies on the river Vesdre in Vervies, Belgium. She is working as research assistant with the ArCHIAM team since October 2015.

She has actively participated in international contests and competitions, working at different project scales. During her Erasmus+ placement in Brussels, she was involved in various design projects, from building refurbishments to social housing and urban planning.

During her professional experiences, she developed her interest in sustainable re-qualification of urban fabric in marginal environments.

Research, scholarly and professional interests

  • Architectural and bioclimatic building design
  • Building energy efficiency
  • Landscape architecture, environmental urban regeneration and city planning
  • Omani and Arabian vernacular architecture
  • Indian modern and post-colonial architecture and urbanism




  • University of Liverpool


  • Universita’ degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
  • Frederic Haesevoets Architecture

Areas of expertise

  • Architecture
  • Architectural History
  • Social History
