Matina Vrettou

Matina Vrettou is a registered Architect (Greece), a Research Assistant and a part-time tutor at Liverpool School of Architecture.

+44 xxx xxx xxxx
University webpage
Liverpool School of Architecture
25 Abercromby Square
Liverpool L69 7ZN

Research Assistant


Matina obtained her BA in Architecture from the University of Plymouth and her MArch from Nottingham Trent University. Between her studies and after her graduation, she has worked as architectural assistant and project architect in practices in Athens and Kyparissia, Greece. She is working as research assistant with the ArCHIAM team since April 2017.

In 2014 she registered as a professional architect under the Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens. In 2016 she established her own design studio focusing on community participation in design, by organizing architectural and natural building workshops for kids and adults based in Greece.

Research, scholarly and professional interests

  • Natural building and techniques in architecture
  • Emergency architecture
  • Community engagement in design and building




  • University of Liverpool


  • Arxitektoniki Ltd, Athens, Greece
  • Anthills Workshop, Greece
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • University of Plymouth

Areas of expertise

  • Architecture
  • Participatory Design
